Optic ID - WWDC 2023

身份驗證 指紋辨識: Touch ID 臉部辨識: Face ID Vision Pro : Optic ID (WWDC 2023) visionOS 紅外線掃瞄虹膜(3D scan),可識別同卵雙胞胎(identical twins),這一塊比Face ID強(會失敗) 虹膜資訊是加密的, 儲存在裝置上的「安全隔離區」(Secure Enclave cryptographic coprocessor) 內,無法使用 app 讀取 可用在 Unlock your Vision Pro headset Authorize purchases on the App Store Authorize Apple Pay purchases AutoFill saved passwords on websites and apps 整合 Passkeys / FIDO2 ? 對比WorldID World Coin WorldCoin 可能 產生盜用在黑市交易 舊文參考 WorldID, Worldcoin, Orb

2023-06-06 · 1 分鐘 · Randy IN tech

Virtual FIDO (軟體式 FIDO2)

看到 Virtual-FIDO 。這個專案的目標是 : Virtual FIDO is a virtual USB device that implements the FIDO2/U2F protocol (like a YubiKey) to support 2FA and WebAuthN. Features Support for both Windows and Linux through USB/IP (Mac support coming later) Connect using both U2F and FIDO2 protocols for both normal 2FA and WebAuthN Store credentials in an encrypted format with a passphrase Store credential data anywhere (example provided: a local file) Generic approval mechanism for credential creation and login (example provided: terminal-based) 這個專案利用 USB/IP Server 連接 USB ,模擬 USB/CTAP protocols 來提供 U2F/FIDO2 服務 看起來打算用 encrypted file(因為要跨 OS) 來保護機密 (是一個缺點) 看 Issues 是有針對這一點與 export credentials 的方便性做討論...

2022-10-26 · 1 分鐘 · Randy IN tech

LINE 釋出 FIDO2 Server 示範

Line 官方發布的 FIDO2-Server 範例 Java (spring-boot) 開發 + Apache 2.0 license

2021-08-12 · 1 分鐘 · Randy IN tech