2023.10.03 公布
VERTEX: VX-880 (摘要)
VX-880 (T1D)療法皆是使用幹細胞衍生並且完全分化的胰島細胞
恢復胰島 B 細胞功能,恢復患者調節血糖能力
All patients treated with VX-880 in Parts A and B have follow-up data beyond Day 90 and have demonstrated islet cell engraftment and glucose-responsive insulin production -
All patients showed improvement across all measures of glucose control, including decreases in HbA1c, increases in blood glucose time-in-range, and reduction or elimination of insulin use -
The two patients with at least 1 year of follow-up met the criteria for the primary endpoint of elimination of severe hypoglycemic events (SHEs) and HbA1c <7.0% -
VX-880 was generally well tolerated(6 名受試者並未發生不良重度事件)
Part C concurrent dosing well underway -