我對演算法沒啥 sense,但是看到些相關對基礎(應該說基石)的改良增強,覺得很有趣。 這種演算法的在效能與空間上的改進並且被各主流平台語言接受,我猜大概是幾年一遇吧, 懂演算法又能做改良的人真是了不起!
Golang 將會在下一版(v1.19?)把預設的排序改為 pdqsort (Pattern-defeating Quicksort 也就是 Quicksort 改良版) 在這個commit 提到
- Across all benchmarks, pdqsort is never significantly slower than the previous algorithm.
- In common patterns, pdqsort is often faster (i.e. 10x faster in sorted slices).
The pdqsort is described at https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.05123.pdf
This CL is inspired by both C++ implementation and Rust implementation.
- C++ implementation: https://github.com/orlp/pdqsort
- Rust implementation: https://docs.rs/pdqsort/latest/pdqsort/
Timsort,hybrid stable sorting algorithm( merge sort 跟 insertion sort 的結合版)
Java SE 7 之後換掉 merge sort 採用 Timsort
JS v8 之後採用 Timsort Getting things sorted in V8
Python 從 v2.3之後採用 Timsort “listsort.txt”. Python source code, 2017
其他程式語言如 swift, rust 也是採用 Timsort